Monday, June 17, 2019

Little Elk River Update: Final Thoughts

Little Elk River Update, June 17, 2019: Final Thoughts

  • I am working on finishing up the progress reports. They are hard to write ("I am capable of hard work!") and very rewarding ("Hard work pays off!"). They are a challenge to write because there is so much to say, and so little time. And yet taking the time to think intently about each child is a worthy task that leaves me realizing how much we've accomplished together—and how much work lies ahead of us.
  • Outdoor Play: A beautiful day was had by all playing Ultimate at McMurray with Ottertail and Shingobee on the penultimate week of school. And on that Friday, swimming, diving, splashing, zip-lining at Como Pool. It was fun to be together simply to play.
  • Spelling Bee: Competition is good. Life is competitive. Highly competitive. As long as "competitive" is not equated with "combative" (substitute adversarial, selfish, petty, etc.), I try to encourage it. Competition serves to bring out the best in us, either as individuals or as a team. Being competitive means that we seek something in us that we were not sure, or not aware, that we had.  For that reason, I've always found that Montessori children enjoys Spelling Bees.
  • The 2019 Spelling Bee was also a success. Children sat attentively for 2 hour supporting each other and cheering for each other. Those who went out in the early rounds got a taste of what they need to work on next year. Those who made it into the later rounds discovered that many English words come from other languages, and that "chandelier" is not as easy to spell as it sounds. (This is what our champion spelled to win in the 14th round).
  • Leadership: 5th years and I had a great trip to Groundswell Cafe where we discussed leadership and ways that we, together, can make our learning experience in Little Elk better next year. I hope we can make it a tradition.
  • I will not be responding to email communications until mid-August.  If you have questions or concerns during that time, please reach out to
  • A great Summer Book List is attached, courtesy of GRS. Print it out and check off books as you and your family read them!

I hope you enjoy your summer of swimming, biking, gardening, reading and road-tripping as much as I will. 

In partnership,


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Second Call for Guinea Pigs

This is a second call. If you are able to take the guinea pigs for 3 (or even 2) weeks this summer, please let me know!

Thank you.

John Albright

Saturday, June 8, 2019

ice cream needs for Monday

Everyone, thank you for your generosity! I just signed you up in the order that you replied. (I couldn't fit everyone in, or we'd have to make ice cream all week :( 
For the sake of clarification, this is what people are bringing:

Thank you!

Whole Milk 4 C  (Greta)
Heavy Whipping Cream 4 C  (Milkko)
Half and Half 4 C  (Azalea)
Eggs   (Ollie, Audra)
Vanilla Extract, 5 tsp.  (Greta)

John Albright

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Re: homemade ice cream

Eggs, Milk and Vanilla, are already taken! This is what's left: 

Heavy Whipping Cream 4 C
Half and Half 4 C 

On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 3:44 PM John R. Albright <> wrote:
We are making vanilla ice cream in Little Elk next week. I didn't have time today to send out a sign-up sheet with children, so I am going directly to parents:

This is what we need: 
Whole Milk 4 C
Heavy Whipping Cream 4 C
Half and Half 4 C
Eggs 10
Vanilla Extract, 5 tsp.

If you and you child would like to bring in one of these items on Monday, please let me know!  (We will make it on Tuesday, but need  to assemble the ingredients Monday).

Thank you!


John Albright

homemade ice cream

We are making vanilla ice cream in Little Elk next week. I didn't have time today to send out a sign-up sheet with children, so I am going directly to parents:

This is what we need: 
Whole Milk 4 C
Heavy Whipping Cream 4 C
Half and Half 4 C
Eggs 10
Vanilla Extract, 5 tsp.

If you and you child would like to bring in one of these items on Monday, please let me know!  (We will make it on Tuesday, but need  to assemble the ingredients Monday).

Thank you!


Order Rodentia Boarding Request

Cinnamon and Hazel are seeking room and board the summer. If you are able to take them in (along with feed and water them daily, clean the cage at least weekly, and provide love as needed), please shoot me an email.

Ideally, you would keep them for about three weeks before passing them on to the next family. 

In your email, indicate which 3 week period you prefer, and which other dates, if any, you could help out. I will try to make a schedule.

Thank you!

John Albright

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Friday afternoon at the Park

We are going to the park tomorrow, and it will be warm. Please remind your child to dress appropriately. Please send a second water bottle if possible. Thank you!

John Albright

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Workshare: Thursday @ 1:30 in Little Elk

Dear Families of Little Elk River, 

This April and May, students were asked to delved into one topic of their choice from an historical angle. In other words, what happened? What caused it? How did these experiences and events affect human beings? Students are excited to share the results of their research with you.  

We invite you to see and read as many projects as your time allows. Please ask questions! Students will have their work set up from 1:30-2:45 pm. We ask that you also check out our "Time Stamps" on the History Timeline (South Wall), and the "Historical Landmarks" on the Giant World Map (West Wall).

Dismissal: At 2:45, families are welcome to sign out students for an early 2:45 pm dismissal, or they may go home at regular dismissal.  If you would like to pick up a sibling early, please e-mail with the name of the siblings you are picking up. Derek will be waiting in the cafe area with siblings at 2:45 so that you can sign them out from the main office. 

Parking: Please only park in Bandana Square or along the south side of Energy Lane. As this event ends at 2:45, it's too close to dismissal to allow parking on the north side of Energy Lane (the pick up/drop off side) -- busses will be lining up by that point, as will other vehicles. 


Thank you for all you all do! I look forward to seeing you at tomorrow's work share.


John Albright

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Little Elk River Update (May 22 Edition)

Greetings Little Elk families! 

• Field Day: Our Upper Elementary Field Day is this Friday, May 24 from 12:30 to 2:30 at McMurray Fields. If you would like your child to wear sunscreen, please put it on before they leave the house, or send it with them to self-administer. They may, of course, use the water bottle that they use in class. But send an additional bottle of water would not be a bad idea, especially if it tops 70 degrees! (Heat wave warning)

• History Project Boards are not required, but your student may bring one in! As you know, our History Fair is next Thursday, May 30 at 1:30-2:45 PM. Please come out and support our students' hard work! Also, please ask your child as soon as possible if they need a tri-fold presentation board, also known as a project board. A board is not required to present a project, but if your child wants to use one to present their work, they have to provide it. These usually run about $3. Please send it in by next Monday, if possible.

• Como Pool Day, Friday June 7: Today I am sending home a memo (and donation form) about the Como Pool Day on Friday (6/7).

• The homework menu I am sending home today is the last homework of the year. 

• Finally, thank you to Sara Eischens (Azalea) for donating a book about mindful movement and mindfulness activity cards.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support!

In partnership,

John, Elizabeth and Seth

Monday, May 13, 2019

History Workshare Info (Thursday May 30)

Dear Upper Elementary Families,


We cordially invite you to our Spring UE Work Share event on Wednesday, May 29th, and Thursday, May 30th. This semester, our Upper Elementary students have been hard at work on independent projects with a shared focus on history. They are excited to share the results of their research with you.


For this Work Share, we invite you to see as many projects as your time allows! 4th and 5th years will be sharing history research, and 6th years will be sharing their Imaginary Island capstone project (and for some additional research they have done!). Guides will be present, but will intentionally stay in the background in an effort to make space for your child to lead and shine.   

Wednesday, May 29th:

- Otter Tail

- Shingobee

- Crow Wing

Thursday, May 30th:

- Little Elk

- Swan

- Blue Earth


The students will have their work set up and be ready to present from 1:30-2:45 pm. After the end of work share, families are welcome to sign out students for an early 2:45 pm dismissal.


If you would like to pick up a sibling early, please e-mail with the name of the siblings you are picking up. Derek will be waiting in the cafe area with siblings at 2:45 so that you can sign them out from the main office.

Parking: Please only park in Bandana Square or along the south side of Energy Lane. As this event ends at 2:45, it's too close to dismissal to allow parking on the north side of Energy Lane (the pick up/drop off side) -- busses will be lining up by that point, as will other vehicles. 


We look forward to hosting these events for you and your children. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments!


In anticipation,


Upper Elementary Staff

John Albright

Sunday, April 28, 2019

L.E.R.U. April 29, 2019

Greetings Little Elk families! 

We come off of a great week of new lessons about plants and ancient human history. It's also noticeable that a good number of people are starting to work with some new friends. That's nice to see! And we are done with the MCAs for another year. (Please note that this Update comes with two attachments).

You may have heard that we have a History Fair coming up on Thursday, May 30! Historical Studies is the theme for this spring's work share. Please ask your child what they have chosen for a topic! I have passed out History Project Agreements, which I have attached for your, parental, viewing pleasure. Your child will need to turn theirs in and have it approved no later than this Friday. I cannot stress enough the important of taking your child to the library to collect resources (books, but even reference materials that you may not be able to check out). The library  visit is a crucial step to research which I cannot provide. Please allow them to bring in the book or books so that they can read and take notes here at school. Thank you!

Here are the three most important dates on

  • Friday, May 3: History Project Agreements must be approved 
  • Friday, May 10: Notecards are due  
  • Friday, May 17: Rough Draft is due  
  • Thursday, May 30: Come support our fair!

Classroom Supplies/Donations: Please see the donations list that I've attached. (This is the same list I made available at conferences. If you brought it in your item already I should have deleted it). Thank you!

Thank you to Karma Walker (Emmett) for her gift of quilt work that she made for Little Elk.! Be sure to take it in when you come for the History Fair on May 30, if not before.

Finally, thank you to Chrissy Kesselring (Hugh) for donating art materials, to Sandi Cariveau (Will) for all of our 4x6 notecards, and to Amy Goetzman (Scarlett) for a supply of beautiful water color paper! (I feel like I wrote this before, but I can't find it. I include it here in case it never got sent :). Thanks also to Heather Thomas (Colton) for the watercolor paints and tri-fold board; to Gabriella McCann (Greta) for paper towels. 

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support!

In partnership,

Seth, Elizabeth and John

John Albright

Monday, April 8, 2019

L.E.R.U.: April 8, 2019 Edition

Dear Families of Little Elk, 

Welcome back to school!

  • Conferences: I look forward to seeing all of you at conferences this week, Thursday-Friday, April 11-12! This spring, all children are expected to be at their conference, even fourth years. If you have not signed up for a conference online, please do so. 
  • Homework due April 9: Students' homework is due tomorrow.  Given the break and all, I figured you might want a reminder. Please have a homework conversation and check in tonight on what they accomplished. Thank you!
  • Half Day this week: Wednesday, April 10 is a half day.
  • Please make sure that you check the tables for lost and misplaced winter gear. Any gear not claimed after conferences will be donated. (Yes, we might have some snow during conferences, but let us assume that it will be gone next Monday!)
  • Math MCAs: A reminder that our final MCA test is Monday and Tuesday, April 22 and 23. 
  • History Fair: Our second and final workshare of the year will be Thursday, May 30. (Some other classes will have theirs on May 29). More on this later.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

In partnership,

Seth, Elizabeth and John

John Albright

Thursday, March 14, 2019

L.E.R.U: Pi Day Edition (3/14)

• MCA Coming Up! 

All Little Elkians (4th and 5th years) will be taking the MCA Reading test this coming Monday - Tuesday, March 18 and 19. The test begins promptly at 8:45. Please ensure that your child gets a good night's rest, eats a good breakfast and arrives on time. Thank you for your support!

The dates for the MCA Math test are Monday, April 22 - Tuesday, April 23.

• Pi Day Synopsis

The amount of joy we had today talking and learning about the relationship of a circle's diameter to its circumference can hardly be quantified—at least not with a rational number. Where do I begin?

Greta led a group of Little Elk carolers who graced about half of the elementary classrooms with a rendition of  "O, Number Pi" to the tune of "O, Tannenbaum." They were received with applause and smiles. Great idea, Greta! 

Unofficial results from today's Pi recitation  :)

  1. Oliver (50)
  2. Scarlett and Audra (26)
  3. Emmett (20)

Today's edible pies were contributed by Kenzi (Shepard's Pie), Ollie (Pumpkin), Hugh (Pumpkin), Colton (Arctic Orange), Miles (French Silk), Leo (French Silk), Audra (Strawberry Rhubarb), Emmett (Peach) and Henry Peter (Cherry). They were all delicious, and most of them were homemade. We indulged ourselves to the brim, and a good portion of elementary staff as well. Yum!  And thank you!

John Albright

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Little Elk River Update: March 10, 2019

Greetings Little Elk families,

  • We are honoring Pi Week for the next 4 days—because one day is insufficient for a polygon with infinite sides! Officially, we celebrate pi on Thursday, 3/14. But I have a feeling that we will get started earlier, as there's too much to do on circles and circumferences to cram into one day. 

The answer is Yes! Children may bring in a homemade pi on Thursday if they would like! Or anything else baked in a round tin (a quiche, for example). It would be great to have a couple of gluten-free options as well.(Note: We have decided that cherry cheesecake is a pie). 

  • The multiplication fact blitz begins now! Students are expected to successfully complete 50 or more multiplication facts in three minutes! Please practice multiplication and division facts with your child wherever and whenever you can. Making one's own flashcards is a great way to memorize them. Or one could make their own fact family triangles, like the ones we have in class. Make it a team effort. This could be fun for the whole family.
  • Our gym/art day has moved to Wednesdays. For parents, this just means that if the tennis shoes do not stay at school, they should come back no later than Wednesday morning. Loose fitting clothes are also good to wear on Wednesdays.
  • In addition, our Off-Campus Day (park/library) has moved to Mondays. We will likely be walking to the park to play in snow tomorrow afternoon.
  • In our lessons on Writing we've been exploring different writing systems as they evolved out of the Bronze Age. We have a couple dioramas going and some cuneiform tablets. In our lessons on Weather we've been tracking the local weather and are about to start graphing it. This week will also begin lessons and demonstrations on the characteristics of air, especially air temperature and air pressure.
  • In our Language Arts groups we've been mostly reading short stories, folktales and short plays from the Junior Great Books, in addition to our regular writing and spelling work.
  • Most interesting newcomer to Little Elk is the 1934 Smith Corona typewriter. Who knew that getting children to write simply required a trip to my favorite antique shop? They seriously can't keep their little fingers off of it. 

            "Don't touch that!" 

            "But John, it's on the shelf. This is a Montessori school." 

            Need a birthday gift idea?

  • We are in need of paper towels again! Since we have air dryers in our bathrooms and no paper towels, we are out! Please and thank you!
  • Our art supplies could use some replenishing. If you are able to donate any of these items, know that they will be well used on dioramas and other projects:
  1. Tempera or Acrylic paints (esp. primary colors and white, black, and brown)
  2. Hot Glue Gun and Glue sticks (there are various sizes, and the small ones are fine)
  3. an old vinyl or cloth table cloth to use as a drop cloth, preferably rectangular
  • Finally, thank you to McKenzie (Karin Egge) for providing the inspiration and ingredients for buckwheat crepes (the week before last), as well as Friday's apple cinnamon muffins. A shout out also to Lilah and Audra for bringing in fresh eggs from their backyard chicks. (If I have forgotten anyone's generosity, as surely I have, please let me know).

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support!

In partnership,

Seth, Elizabeth and John

John Albright

Monday, February 11, 2019

Little Elk Addendum: Valentine's Day

I forgot to include this notice about Valentine's Day in yesterday's newsletter:

Valentine's Day: In Little Elk we do not have any structured activity that revolves around Valentine's Day. However…

  • we do encourage using the special day as an opportunity to reflect on what we appreciate about our community as a whole. To this effect, students may create a single handmade gift, card, artwork or poem for the class that expresses this sentiment. These we will share with each other and display.
  • We ask that any card exchanges—which are optional, of course—include all members of the class. 
  • And as always, do not bring candy to school.
Thank you,

John Albright

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Homework (due Feb. 19)

Here's the homework that was sent out last week, in case you haven't been able to get a peek at it.

John Albright

Little Elk River Update, Feb. 10. (It’s-Winter-in-Minnesota-Again Edition)

Dear Families of Little Elk River,

Had enough shoveling yet? Ya, me neither.

And no, I did not find the medallion, but I certainly got my fill of suspense and adventure for a few days.  I'll be back out there next year. 

In class we are wrapping up our lesson series on Humans, Water and Maps. As you may already know, each student participates in one of these groups, which last about 6 weeks. In Humans we studied the evolution of hominids. We learned about the main species within the two genera, Australopithecus and Homo. Students were also asked to examine their own ancestral lineage over the course of three generations, and to find out how much they resemble their great grandparents. We also studied the fundamental needs of humans. 

The Water group learned about the chemical and physical properties of water, from polarity and crystallization to phase changes. We also studied the taste of water, the scarcity of the word's fresh water, and began studying the Mississippi River watershed. And that's about when Polar Vortex hit. Lastly, the Maps group studied different kinds of maps, both two and three-dimensional. We practiced reading an atlas, making map keys, and culminated our work with topographic salt dough maps of states.

Next lesson series will feature the Story of Writing, and Weather. 

Hot Lunch is coming (Feb. 19). Order now! Here's an easy 5-min video tutorial for how to use EZ Lunch. If you have any questions about the lunch program, please feel free to email

• Notecards needed! We are in need of 4x6 lined Notecards (as opposed to the 3x5 kind, which are too small) for student research. Please send a pack if you are able to donate to the community. Thank you!

Library Thursday: We will likely go to the library this Thursday. Please send your child's library card. Last week we went to the park and had a blast playing in fresh snow. Know that Thursday will continue to be our off-campus day, so proper winter gear is especially essential. 

Model United Nations: On Tuesday we look forward to sending off Emmett, Mikko and Henry to the Montessori Model United Nations. This amazing trip is the culmination of months of hard work and practice, and we wish them a successful diplomatic mission to New York City. 

The Pigs: Thanks for keeping Hazel and Cinnamon well cared for! They want you to know that their stock of food and bedding is full and won't need any more for 3-4 weeks.

Donations: We are, however, accepting donations of vinegar, embroidery cloth and used buttons.  We also like unique papers to use for cards and art projects, such as wallpaper samples or paper with different textures. 

As always, thank you for your partnership,

Seth, Elizabeth, and John

John Albright

Friday, January 25, 2019

Fwd: L.E.R.U.: Lice (and a little homework note)

And about that homework I was going to attach....

L.E.R.U.: Lice (and a little homework note)

Hello All,
I don't usually send you homework in pdf format because I want your children to develop the habit of caring for the paper that I hand them (every other Wednesday). For the most part, they have been doing a great job bringing it home and turning it in 2 weeks later. For some, they've done 
a good job asking me for another copy if they lose it. This is what I prefer. The homework is their responsibility, and they will profit from accepting it. 

However, if for some reason you would like to see it in digital form, please don't hesitate to shoot me an email.

And... we learned today that one of our classmates has lice. Please check your child's hair and treat accordingly!

Thank you and stay warm! I will be out looking for the medallion, but only because somebody has to do it.

John Albright

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Quick Hello from Little Elk

Hello Friends of Little Elk,
It was great to see the wonderful, supportive turn out for last week's Work Share! I hope that, for those of you who could attend, you were able to get a meaningful glimpse of our work. Please let me know if you have any questions about what you saw. 

It looks as though I am not going to have the time, this week, to complete an update worthy of the term "newsletter." However, I wanted to ask those of you who donated anything to the classroom in the last 2 months to send me an email listing what you purchased. We received a great outpouring of generosity from our Amazon wish list to paper towels and guinea pig supplies! But I can't keep track of everything that came in. They did not come with notes attached, and for many of the items Heather cannot tell from the wishlist. We would like to send you a 'thank you,' but we need to know who you are! Thanks so much. 

I look forward to writing you more next week.



Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Little Elk River Update (Jan. 9, 2019)

Dear Families of Little Elk River, 


It's great to be back in groove again after a greatly appreciated two-week break! Well, let's just say that sleep patterns are almost re-aligned with the rhythms of the work week.  There's a lot going on. Hopefully you will get a taste of that at next week's Work Share.

Library Cards Wanted Tomorrow! We will be walking to the Hamline-Midway Public Library tomorrow, Thursday, January 10. Dress your child warm! Also, please send your child with their library card to ease their ability to explore their interests. If you would like me to help your child get their own library card, please send me a separate email and I will start the process. Thank you!

Upper El Work Share on Tuesday, January 15, 1:30-2:30 pm.  This year's UE Work Share is divided into two days. Little Elk will be sharing on Tuesday, January 15 from 1:30-2:30pm. After the end of work share, children will clean up and finish the day to dismiss at the regularly scheduled time. You are welcome to relax in our newly opened cafe space while you wait!


The January work share is an opportunity for children to share their learning process with you. During this time your child will teach you about one or more of their favorite works. Guides will be present, but will intentionally stay in the background, in an effort to make space for your child to lead and shine. We have one afternoon for our whole class to participate in Work Share, so we ask you to observe the following guidelines:

  • Please choose one adult to accompany each child. 
  • Please do not bring any siblings. This will help give space and attention to the work your child is sharing. 
  • While it is tempting to connect with the other parents, or guides, please try to keep your focus on the children. 
  • While it is tempting to record for posterity, please leave your phone or camera outside the classroom. Be present with your child. 
  • If your child should ask you to do something for them, first ask questions like "what would you do if I wasn't here?" or "I would love to see how you do it, yourself." Remember that your child strives to be independent in their work here at school, and can ask another child for help.

• Gym-Appropriate Indoor Shoes are Required:  This is a reminder that children need to wear tennis shoes for Physical Education in the gym starting Monday, January 14. If your child already wears tennis shoes as their indoor shoes, no adjustment is needed. If your child wears something other than a basic "tenni" or athletic shoe in class—such as a moccasins, Ugg boots, or slippers—please help them find a pair of tennis shoes for gym.  Little Elk has gym every Monday afternoon, and it is required. If you need help finding a pair of tennis shoes, just let us know and we can help out.  

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday around 1:30!

In partnership,

John, Seth and Elizabeth

Little Elk River Update: Final Thoughts

Little Elk River Update, June 17, 2019: Final Thoughts I am working on finishing up the progress reports. They are hard to write ("...