Friday, January 25, 2019

Fwd: L.E.R.U.: Lice (and a little homework note)

And about that homework I was going to attach....

L.E.R.U.: Lice (and a little homework note)

Hello All,
I don't usually send you homework in pdf format because I want your children to develop the habit of caring for the paper that I hand them (every other Wednesday). For the most part, they have been doing a great job bringing it home and turning it in 2 weeks later. For some, they've done 
a good job asking me for another copy if they lose it. This is what I prefer. The homework is their responsibility, and they will profit from accepting it. 

However, if for some reason you would like to see it in digital form, please don't hesitate to shoot me an email.

And... we learned today that one of our classmates has lice. Please check your child's hair and treat accordingly!

Thank you and stay warm! I will be out looking for the medallion, but only because somebody has to do it.

John Albright

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Quick Hello from Little Elk

Hello Friends of Little Elk,
It was great to see the wonderful, supportive turn out for last week's Work Share! I hope that, for those of you who could attend, you were able to get a meaningful glimpse of our work. Please let me know if you have any questions about what you saw. 

It looks as though I am not going to have the time, this week, to complete an update worthy of the term "newsletter." However, I wanted to ask those of you who donated anything to the classroom in the last 2 months to send me an email listing what you purchased. We received a great outpouring of generosity from our Amazon wish list to paper towels and guinea pig supplies! But I can't keep track of everything that came in. They did not come with notes attached, and for many of the items Heather cannot tell from the wishlist. We would like to send you a 'thank you,' but we need to know who you are! Thanks so much. 

I look forward to writing you more next week.



Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Little Elk River Update (Jan. 9, 2019)

Dear Families of Little Elk River, 


It's great to be back in groove again after a greatly appreciated two-week break! Well, let's just say that sleep patterns are almost re-aligned with the rhythms of the work week.  There's a lot going on. Hopefully you will get a taste of that at next week's Work Share.

Library Cards Wanted Tomorrow! We will be walking to the Hamline-Midway Public Library tomorrow, Thursday, January 10. Dress your child warm! Also, please send your child with their library card to ease their ability to explore their interests. If you would like me to help your child get their own library card, please send me a separate email and I will start the process. Thank you!

Upper El Work Share on Tuesday, January 15, 1:30-2:30 pm.  This year's UE Work Share is divided into two days. Little Elk will be sharing on Tuesday, January 15 from 1:30-2:30pm. After the end of work share, children will clean up and finish the day to dismiss at the regularly scheduled time. You are welcome to relax in our newly opened cafe space while you wait!


The January work share is an opportunity for children to share their learning process with you. During this time your child will teach you about one or more of their favorite works. Guides will be present, but will intentionally stay in the background, in an effort to make space for your child to lead and shine. We have one afternoon for our whole class to participate in Work Share, so we ask you to observe the following guidelines:

  • Please choose one adult to accompany each child. 
  • Please do not bring any siblings. This will help give space and attention to the work your child is sharing. 
  • While it is tempting to connect with the other parents, or guides, please try to keep your focus on the children. 
  • While it is tempting to record for posterity, please leave your phone or camera outside the classroom. Be present with your child. 
  • If your child should ask you to do something for them, first ask questions like "what would you do if I wasn't here?" or "I would love to see how you do it, yourself." Remember that your child strives to be independent in their work here at school, and can ask another child for help.

• Gym-Appropriate Indoor Shoes are Required:  This is a reminder that children need to wear tennis shoes for Physical Education in the gym starting Monday, January 14. If your child already wears tennis shoes as their indoor shoes, no adjustment is needed. If your child wears something other than a basic "tenni" or athletic shoe in class—such as a moccasins, Ugg boots, or slippers—please help them find a pair of tennis shoes for gym.  Little Elk has gym every Monday afternoon, and it is required. If you need help finding a pair of tennis shoes, just let us know and we can help out.  

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday around 1:30!

In partnership,

John, Seth and Elizabeth

Little Elk River Update: Final Thoughts

Little Elk River Update, June 17, 2019: Final Thoughts I am working on finishing up the progress reports. They are hard to write ("...