Sunday, April 28, 2019

L.E.R.U. April 29, 2019

Greetings Little Elk families! 

We come off of a great week of new lessons about plants and ancient human history. It's also noticeable that a good number of people are starting to work with some new friends. That's nice to see! And we are done with the MCAs for another year. (Please note that this Update comes with two attachments).

You may have heard that we have a History Fair coming up on Thursday, May 30! Historical Studies is the theme for this spring's work share. Please ask your child what they have chosen for a topic! I have passed out History Project Agreements, which I have attached for your, parental, viewing pleasure. Your child will need to turn theirs in and have it approved no later than this Friday. I cannot stress enough the important of taking your child to the library to collect resources (books, but even reference materials that you may not be able to check out). The library  visit is a crucial step to research which I cannot provide. Please allow them to bring in the book or books so that they can read and take notes here at school. Thank you!

Here are the three most important dates on

  • Friday, May 3: History Project Agreements must be approved 
  • Friday, May 10: Notecards are due  
  • Friday, May 17: Rough Draft is due  
  • Thursday, May 30: Come support our fair!

Classroom Supplies/Donations: Please see the donations list that I've attached. (This is the same list I made available at conferences. If you brought it in your item already I should have deleted it). Thank you!

Thank you to Karma Walker (Emmett) for her gift of quilt work that she made for Little Elk.! Be sure to take it in when you come for the History Fair on May 30, if not before.

Finally, thank you to Chrissy Kesselring (Hugh) for donating art materials, to Sandi Cariveau (Will) for all of our 4x6 notecards, and to Amy Goetzman (Scarlett) for a supply of beautiful water color paper! (I feel like I wrote this before, but I can't find it. I include it here in case it never got sent :). Thanks also to Heather Thomas (Colton) for the watercolor paints and tri-fold board; to Gabriella McCann (Greta) for paper towels. 

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support!

In partnership,

Seth, Elizabeth and John

John Albright

Monday, April 8, 2019

L.E.R.U.: April 8, 2019 Edition

Dear Families of Little Elk, 

Welcome back to school!

  • Conferences: I look forward to seeing all of you at conferences this week, Thursday-Friday, April 11-12! This spring, all children are expected to be at their conference, even fourth years. If you have not signed up for a conference online, please do so. 
  • Homework due April 9: Students' homework is due tomorrow.  Given the break and all, I figured you might want a reminder. Please have a homework conversation and check in tonight on what they accomplished. Thank you!
  • Half Day this week: Wednesday, April 10 is a half day.
  • Please make sure that you check the tables for lost and misplaced winter gear. Any gear not claimed after conferences will be donated. (Yes, we might have some snow during conferences, but let us assume that it will be gone next Monday!)
  • Math MCAs: A reminder that our final MCA test is Monday and Tuesday, April 22 and 23. 
  • History Fair: Our second and final workshare of the year will be Thursday, May 30. (Some other classes will have theirs on May 29). More on this later.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

In partnership,

Seth, Elizabeth and John

John Albright

Little Elk River Update: Final Thoughts

Little Elk River Update, June 17, 2019: Final Thoughts I am working on finishing up the progress reports. They are hard to write ("...